Laser Technology For Smoother Skin

ThinkstockPhotosThe sun is one of the number one causes for wrinkles, fine lines, and age spots on the face. The more time you spend in the sun throughout your life, the more likely you are to develop sun damage or loose elasticity. Laser skin treatments are an effective way to combat the signs of aging caused by extended sun exposure. Annapolis doctor Dr. Henry Sandel offers Laser skin services at his treatment center.

Laser Skin Therapy: Know Your Options

  • Sciton BBL: With the use of broadband light, the BBL device is a noninvasive laser therapy that is effective in treating signs of sun damage and aging such as small facial veins, rosacea, brown spots, port wine stains, and hyperpigmentation. BBL uses a special light and a series of filters to target problem areas. On average three sessions are needed to experience optimal results. BBL requires no downtime and is virtually pain-free.
  • CO2 Laser Peel: Lumenis CO2 Superficial Laser Resurfacing can provide smoother, more vibrant skin. CO2 Laser peel utilizes CO2 fractionated laser technology and targets the outermost layer of skin to smooth, even tone and tighten. CO2 laser peel is the ideal treatment for uneven skin tone, sun damage, immediate smoothing, and adjusting pore size. Dr. Sandel can adjust and customize the treatment in order to provide you with your desired results.
  • Fractional CO2 Laser: Fractional CO2 Lasers provide dramatic results. This laser is able to smooth deep wrinkles, fade scars and improve the laxity of your skin. Using innovative microbeams Fractional CO2 lasers allow for a deeper skin rejuvenation. The lasers improve the collagen production and allow for faster healing times. With just one treatment you can see noticeable results. Dr. Sandel recommends patients sustain from makeup use for up to 7 days.
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At Annapolis’ Sandel Center, every patient is treated on an individual basis. Dr. Sandel will meet with you to build a comprehensive treatment plan that will meet your goals and leave you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. Contact the Sandel Center to schedule your appointment or use our online form.